Dem (1)

Fintab Building Demolition

Performing a special demolition intended as dismantling and decontamination of the building “historian” former tobacco factory FINTAB located in the historic centre of Città di Castello. The building constructed in the period 1920-1930 with reinforced concrete masonry technology mixed with structural type “great lights” and important


E78 Grosseto-Fano

  Interventi di adeguamento a quattro corsie della sede stradale dal km 0+000 al km 11+050 con spartitraffico centrale e costruzione di tre svincoli a livelli sfalsati (denominati “Roselle”, “Batignano” e “Montorsaio”) OPERE D’ARTE PRINCIPALI Viadotto “dello sbirro” a due campate di


Parma airport

North Side INTERVENTIONS yield Adjustment and transfer of the runway threshold. Adjustment of the terminal area parking aircraft named "Apron", the fittings "Bravo" and "Charlie" Adaptation of the car park in front of the passenger terminal of the translation and Adaptation of the runway threshold on


Underground works

INTERVENTIONS Imperia Rete Ferroviaria Italiana S.p.A. Doubling of the railway line is "s. Lorenzo al Mare Andora". Execution of galleries called "Castle" and "Bardellini". Aulla (MS) Consolidation and renovation Gallery "Calcinara" motorway CISA A12della. Perugia Minimetro S.p.A. Urban transport system


Forlì airport

OPERATIONS PERFORMED total Makeover runway for an extension in the length of 2.420 m. Construction of a parking space for aircraft to an area of 30.000 MQ. Reconstruction of the square in front of the Terminal for a surface of 8.000 MQ. Electrical installations and