SOA Categories

 GENERAL WORKS RANKING SPECIAL WORKS RANKING OG1 – Civil buildings and construction IndustrialiRiguarda, maintenance or renovation of punctual interventions necessary to carry out housing any activities’ Umana, direct or indirect, complete the necessary facilities, electromechanical systems, electric, and electronic telephone and finishes of any kind and’ any associated works, ancillary and complementary. Includes in


Preliminary final and INGEGNERIAprogettazione esecutivacalcolo strutturaleRilievi and TracciatiProject FinancingStudi EconomiciStudi technical TrafficoStudi on FattibilitàPianificazione qualitàComputiAnalisi TerritorialeGIScontrollo Prices of technical assistance in the course of Operadirection LavoriContabilitàCollaudoPiani of SicurezzaConsulenzaAMBIENTEValutazione acusticoStudio ambientaleStudio impact impact of environmental restoration of quarries and discaricheProgettazione and treatment systems and preliminary and procedural recuperoStudio for rifiutistudio disposal of environmentally friendly materials

About us

The Consortium was formed in 2005, based on the experience of some of the Centennial Associates, with the ambitious goal to bring together companies operating in the field of construction of public works and infrastructure typically, consolidating experiences and professionalism in a new entity but with some ability to synergistic and occupy a central role