Og1 - Civil and industrial buildings
Construction, maintenance or renovation of punctual interventions necessary to carry out housing any human activity, direct or indirect, complete the necessary facilities, electromechanical systems, electric, and electronic telephone and finishes of any type and any associated works, ancillary and complementary. Includes but is not limited to residences, the prisons, schools, the barracks, the offices, the theatres, the stadiums, the buildings for industries, the buildings for parking lots, Railway and Metro stations, the airport buildings and any special reinforced concrete artifact, simple or prestressed concrete, such as cast-in-place thin times, domes, hanging tanks, silos and buildings of great height with particular characteristics and complexity.
Os1 - Earthworks
Concerns the excavation, restoring and modifying volumes of Earth, made by whatever means and whatever the nature of the soil by digging or restore: vegetable, clay, sand, gravel, Rock.
og2 - Restoration and maintenance of immovable property subject to protection
It involves carrying out a coordinated set of specialized processes necessary for recovery, save, consolidate, transform, restore, restructure, perform maintenance buildings of historical interest subject to protection under the provisions on cultural and environmental heritage. It is to set up the properties of electromechanical systems, electric, telephone and electronic systems and finishes of any type as well as any related works, ancillary and complementary.
OS8 - waterproofing works
The supply, the installation and the restructuring of the waterproofing works with any material and the like.
Og3 - Streets, Highways, bridges, viaducts, railways, Tramways, Subways, Funiculars, runways and relative complementary works
Construction, maintenance or renovation of interventions that are necessary to enable the mobility of "rubber", "iron" and "Aerea", whatever their degree of importance, complete with all associated work, complement or even timely accessory, its railway, and all the automatic systems, Electromechanical, electric, directories, electronic and electric traction needed to provide a good service to you in terms of use, information, Security and assistance. Includes but is not limited to the streets, whatever their degree of importance, the highways, expressways, including timely interventions such as special floorings, the artificial tunnels, the junctions in elevated or satin, parking in satin, the slope retaining, the detected, the railways of national and local interest, the subways, funicular railways and tramways of any technical feature, the runways and aircraft service grounds heliports, the stations, the floors made with special materials, natural and man-made, and the bridges, even for complex technical features, in iron, simple reinforced concrete or prestressed concrete, prefabricated or cast in place.
OS14 - Waste disposal and recovery systems
It concerns the construction and ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of waste incineration plants and related fume treatment and material recovery systems, inclusive of preselection machinery, composting and production of fuel derived from waste, complete with all associated masonry, complementary or accessory, punctual or net.
OG4 - Underground art
Construction, maintenance or renovation, through the use of special technical means specific, underground operations that are necessary to enable the mobility of "rubber" and on "iron", whatever their degree of importance, complete with all associated work, complementary or accessory, punctual or net, such as access roads to any degree of importance, flush or junctions in Causeway, parking in satin, retaining walls and slopes all electromechanical systems, electric, and electronic telephone and railway structures needed to provide a good service to you in terms of use, information, Security and assistance. Includes but is not limited to natural galleries, tunnels, underground passages, tunnel.
OS15 - Cleaning of marine waters, lakeside, rivers
It concerns the cleaning with particular special technical means of any type of water and the transport of the resulting material to the locations prescribed by current regulations.
Og6 - Aqueducts, gas pipelines, oil pipelines, works of irrigation and evacuation
Construction, maintenance or renovation of interventions that are needed to implement the "integrated water service" or to transport to use gaseous or liquid fluids, complete with all associated work, complementary or accessory including timely and of all electromechanical systems, mechanics, electric, directories and electronic, you need to provide good service to you in terms of use, operation, information, Security and assistance to a normal operation. Includes but is not limited to the works of water uptake, the water treatment plants, the aqueducts, the water towers, lifting systems, the underground tanks or raised, the distribution network to the end user, the tunnels equipped, the supply and laying of pipes, the drains with any material, the treatment of waste water before placing them in the natural cycle of the same, gas pipelines, oil pipelines.
OS18-A - Structural steel components
It concerns the factory production and on-site assembly of steel structures.
Og8 - river works, defense, hydraulic and reclamation
It concerns the construction and maintenance or renovation of interventions, punctual and on-line, however achieved, necessary for the arrangement of natural or artificial waterways as well as for the defense of the territory from the aforementioned waterways, complete with all related works, complementary or accessory, as well as all electromechanical systems, electric, necessary telephone and electronic devices. Includes, but is not limited to, navigable canals, the expansion basins, the foci arrangements, the consolidation of the structures of the riverbeds and streams, embankments of any type, the arrangement and hydraulic regulation of surface water, the diaphragm works of the embankment systems, the crosspieces for derivations and the works for the stabilization of the slopes.
OS21 - Special structural works
Construction of works intended to transfer loads of artifacts resting on land not suitable for load carrying same, of works intended to confer to resistance and non-deformability make the stable sets of artifacts and geological upheavals prevented, works to make it earthquake-resistant structures and functional as well as the execution of geognostic. Includes but is not limited, execution of poles of any kind, by underpinning, by piling and special retaining walls, of anchors, works to restore the functionality of static properties, investigations and explorations of the subsoil with special vehicles, including the taking of samples for analysis in the laboratory for geotechnical reports, as well as running load tests, Wells, works to ensure the stability of the slopes and special processes for drying, the waterproofing and consolidation.
and 9 - Equipment for the production of electric energy
It's about construction, the maintenance or renovation of specific interventions that are necessary for the production of electricity, complete with all associated masonry, complementary or accessory, punctual or net, as well as of all the electromechanical installations, electric, directories and electronic, necessary in terms of operation, information, Security and assistance. It includes hydropower plants or powered by any type of fuel.
OS22 - Water purification and purification systems
Construction, the maintenance or renovation of water purification and wastewater purification systems, including biogas recovery and electricity production, complete with all related building work, complementary or accessory, punctual or net.
Og10 - Installations for the high / medium voltage transformation and for the distribution of electrical energy into alternating current and continuous and of public lighting installations
Construction, the maintenance or renovation of network interventions that are necessary for high and medium voltage distribution and for low voltage transformation and distribution to the end user of electricity, complete with all associated masonry, complementary or accessory, punctual or network and construction, the maintenance and renovation of public lighting systems, to be carried out outside the buildings. It includes, by way of example, power plants and transformation cabins, the pylons necessary for the transport and distribution of any voltage, the supply and installation of electrical cables for any number of phases on pylons or underground, the supply and installation of equipped channels and tension cables and public lighting systems in ports, viaducts, galleries, streets, highways and parking areas.
Os23 - Demolition of works
Concerns the dismantling of industrial plants and full demolition of buildings with special equipment or by use of explosives, cutting of reinforced concrete structures and demolitions generally, including the collection of materials, their separation and eventual recycling components industry.
Og11 - Technological systems
Regard, within the limits specified in the article 79, comma 16, supply, the installation, the management and maintenance of a set of technological systems coordinated and functionally interconnected, not executable separately, referred to in the categories of specialized works identified with the acronym OS 3, OS 28 and OS 30.
Os24 - Green and urban furniture
Construction, the assembly and maintenance of elements not constituting technological systems which are necessary to allow better use of the city as well as the creation and maintenance of urban greenery. Includes but is not limited to sports fields, playgrounds, lodging landscape, equipped green spaces, fences.
Og12 - And works of reclamation and environmental protection
Concerns the timely execution of works or the network necessary for the realization of reclamation and environmental protection. Includes but is not limited to landfills, waterproofing geomembrane with soil for groundwater protection, the remediation of hazardous materials, detection systems and remote sensing for environmental monitoring for any changes of the balance established by current legislation, and facilities required for the normal operation of works or works and to provide a good service to the user both in terms of intelligence and security.
Os26 - Flooring and special bodies
Construction, maintenance or renovation of floors made with special materials, natural or artificial, Since subjected to significant stresses and loads which, limitation, those of runways.
Os30 - Internal electrical, directories, radio and television systems
The supply, Assembly and maintenance or upgrading of electrical installations, directories, radiotelephone, as well as television networks of data transmission and the like, complete with all associated masonry, complementary or accessory, to be carried out in interventions belonging to the general categories that have already been carried out or are under construction.
OS35 - Low environmental impact interventions
It concerns the construction and maintenance of any underground works through the use of non-invasive excavation technologies. Includes, but is not limited to, guided and unguided horizontal drilling, with the possible reuse and exploitation of existing works, as well as the use of video inspection technologies, rehabilitation, renewal and replacement of underground substructures or technologies for surface mini-excavations.